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Implement Tiered Checkins with your team on Monday.

Here’s the beauty of this approach: no one is in more than 20 minutes of meetings per day.

Tiered Checkins consist of several meetings between managers and direct reports.

➡️ Each manager holds a daily 10-minute meeting with their direct reports.

➡️ Managers report to their direct manager, in another 10-minute meeting with the direct manager’s other reports.

➡️ This structure continues until top-level management has been briefed.

Meeting Agenda:

Each direct report spends 2 minutes or less providing 3 key pieces of information to their manager & colleagues:

➡️ What was accomplished yesterday

➡️ What the individual (or the team that they manage) intends to accomplish today

➡️ Any obstacles or challenges (”blockers”) anticipated in accomplishing today’s tasks

Meeting Rules

๐Ÿ‘‰ Each team member only has 2 minutes to speak during the meeting

๐Ÿ‘‰ When meetings are in person, everyone should remain standing throughout the meeting. This keeps the meeting flowing and short.

๐Ÿ‘‰ When meetings are held over video, a visible clock should be shared on the screen.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Assign one person as Timekeeper to enforce the 2-minute rule.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Follow-up conversations occur after the meeting. In particular, the manager or colleagues may have solutions or ideas to contribute when a blocker is presented. These conversations must occur after the meeting.

The Blocker “Transaction”

The manager is responsible for resolving blockers so that their team can focus on executing their core work.

When a blocker is presented in a Standup Meeting, a transaction occurs. The team member presenting the blocker transfers the responsibility of resolving it to the manager.

The manager has several options:

➡️ Accept responsibility for the blocker and resolve the challenge

➡️ Reassign the responsibility for the blocker to another member of the team.

➡️ Coach the employee through resolving the blocker

➡️ Grant additional responsibilities or authority to the employee so that they may resolve the issue themselves

Questions? Hit me in the comments.



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